Now that many of us are poised to start seeing the acute dangers of the pandemic in our metaphorical rear-view windows, we need to start learning how to move forward as positively as we can. Many of us, spurred by constant stress throughout the pandemic, now have to manage our newfound anxiety or uncertainties regarding our health.

Whether they’re due to post-pandemic paranoia or not, it’s key to know how to deal with our health uncertainties positively. In this piece, we’ll give you a few different tools that you can use to move through your anxiety and help you and your loved ones thrive.

Use These Practices to Manage Post-Pandemic Health Uncertainty

If you’re dealing with anxiety, know that you’re not alone. See if any of these practices or resources would be of assistance as you and your family move past the pandemic:

Practice uncertainty resilience.

It’s a fact of life—perhaps particularly, moving forward—that we may not have access to all of the information we’d like, at least not immediately. If you’re able, start to flex your uncertainty muscles by taking tiny (safe) breaks from instant information. For example, you could go on a short walk without checking the weather; instead just bringing an umbrella and hoping for the best. More practically, it may be a good idea to delete Twitter or news apps from your phone to reduce any dependency you may have on constant updates. An intolerance of uncertainty breeds anxiety. If you’re able to become more okay with uncertainty (to a safe extent), you can reduce anxiety.

Focus on a positive, measurable health goal.

Need to sleep more? Interested in becoming stronger? Want to see if you can take more steps in a day? Learning to reorient your brain to celebrate what you can already do and tackling progress towards a measurable goal can distract you from the type of health concern that isn’t necessarily under your immediate control.

Learn to quiet negative mental chatter.

Much of anxiety’s power comes from an internal monologue that spirals out of control. By learning to head off that spiraling sensation, you can avoid many of the unpleasant anxious experiences that you may currently be experiencing. Taking up some informal version of meditation is a popular way to combat unhelpful thought patterns, but you can reap similar benefits from taking walks in the sun or sitting quietly for five minutes with a cup of tea.

Study your situation if you would find that helpful.

Knowledge can be empowering, as long as you’re able to stop yourself when it’s no longer serving you. If you know what the medical terms you may have been dreading actually mean, as well as what the options you have are, you may be able to use that hard information to curb anxious thoughts that may be less grounded in reality. However, this can easily lead to further anxiety, so only take this on as you’re fully able.

Rely on the McCraw Law Group to Learn More About Your Options for Protecting Your Future

If you need assistance moving past an injury or learning about your options as you care for you and yours in the aftermath of the pandemic, contact McCraw Law Group. We’ll be happy to provide as much help as we can.

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