Texas is next to many great areas to explore like Louisiana, New Mexico, and even Mexico—so when Texans travel outside the state and find themselves in a car accident they should know what to do.

First, they should take the steps they would take had the car accident happened in Texas. This means checking for injuries, ensuring passengers are okay, getting to a safe spot off the road, and contacting the police to file an accident report.

When a car accident occurs, the laws of the state the accident took place in will govern the aftermath. In states that are tort states like Texas, such as Louisiana and New Mexico, the process will be very similar to the process in Texas. The only difference would be if the injuries are so severe the injured party cannot make it back home, or if their vehicle is no longer driveable. Both issues may force the driver to remain in the state where the accident happened longer than anticipated.

For Texans, traveling outside their state becomes a bit more complicated when driving to Mexico. Most car insurance companies in the United States will not automatically provide coverage in Mexico, which can present several challenges if the insured is unaware of this at the time of travel. Because of this, it is important for anyone traveling to Mexico to get car insurance specifically for coverage in Mexico before leaving.

These car insurance policies often do not provide coverage for the entire country, but rather for specific distances like “100 miles into Mexico”. These stipulations are also important, as coverage may not be provided at the 101-mile mark.

Texans love their home state, but they too get the travel bug and want to drive to other states or even other countries. When they travel to other countries, it is important that they speak with their car insurance company to find out if they will have coverage during their travel, or if they need any extra insurance before they go.

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