Denton Laws Regulating Bicycle Use

Under Texas Transportation Code §551.101, bicycles are included in the list of vehicles that must abide by the legal obligations for traveling on local roadways and also have the same rights afforded other vehicles. For example, cyclists must obey traffic signals and are subject to distracted driving laws, under the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas (Denton Code) § 18-36(k).

Cyclists must accept a certain level of responsibility for their safety, and Texas has enacted laws to help bikers avoid harm. For example, under Transportation Code § 551.103 and Denton Code § 18-36(d) require riders to hug the right side of the road to the extent possible if riding at a slower speed than the traffic flow. These same code sections explain when riders may ride two abreast in the roadway and when that behavior is prohibited. Cyclists must also ensure that they control their bikes and warn others on the road of their presence.

Other requirements for bicyclists in Texas include:

  • Using appropriate hand signals to indicate stopping or turning
  • Avoiding carrying items that preclude keeping at least one hand on the handlebars
  • Refraining from riding with more persons than the bike’s design intended
  • Equipping bikes with headlamps and reflectors if riding at night

Denton law also allows cyclists to ride their bicycles on the sidewalk unless there is a posted sign stating otherwise, as per Denton Code § 18-13. If a cyclist is determined to have been violating a Denton law at the time of the accident, they should speak with an experienced attorney about how that could impact their case.

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How Can Driver’s Avoid Colliding with Cyclists?

Except for perhaps a helmet, bicycle riders have no protection if they collide with a car, truck, or bus. These accidents can result in catastrophic injuries and even death, so it is incumbent upon motor vehicle drivers to engage in safe driving practices when bikers are present. The Denton Code imposes a general duty that motor vehicle operators exercise caution to prevent hitting cyclists, and also describes essential measures to ensure bike rider safety. These regulations include, but are not limited to:

  • Passing cyclist at a safe distance of three feet for cars and six feet for trucks, if possible
  • Yielding when making a left or U-turn
  • Not accelerating to pass a cyclist
  • Checking blind spots for cyclists before switching lanes or making turns
  • Avoiding driving tactics intended to harass or intimidate

When drivers fail to engage in safe driving and injure bike riders, local lawyers familiar with these types of accidents could help the injured bicyclist recover damages suitable to address their injuries.


Speak with a Denton Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

To avoid causing harm when drivers and bicyclists share the road, it is imperative that everyone follows all traffic safety laws. Unfortunately for cyclists, many drivers refuse to recognize the bike rider’s right to be on the road and fail to take proper precautions. This attitude often leads to tragic accidents where bicycle riders suffer great physical, emotional, and financial harm.

Our team of Denton bicycle accident lawyers could represent your interests in these cases by holding drivers responsible for their negligence and disregard for the law and helping you claim fair compensation. Call our office today to get started.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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