What are Common Causes of Burn Injuries?

Burns occur whenever human skin is exposed to a temperature high enough to cause damage, such as an open fire or scalding water from burst pipes. Chemicals and radiation also cause severe burns. Some common causes include:

  • Substandard electric wiring
  • Vehicle fires after a crash
  • Chemical explosions at work
  • Defective products, such as leaking batteries
  • Lack of fire safety equipment in places it is mandated by law
  • Locked fire exit doors in public places

The specific cause of a burn determines who is responsible for it. An experienced lawyer in The Colony could investigate the direct cause of the burn injury.

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What are the Different Degrees of Burns?

Burns are categorized by their degree of severity, including first degree, second degree, and third degree. While first and second-degree burns are serious, third degree burns are the most devastating.

First Degree Burns

First-degree burns are the least severe form of burn injury. They usually heal with little to no treatment, although a burn ointment can relieve the painful burn site, which will turn red and could be swollen. These burns singe only the outer layer of skin, leaving underlying layers and muscles untouched.

Second Degree Burns

Second-degree burns blister and are very painful because underlying nerves are damaged, as is the dermis layer of skin. Since infections are common with these burns, a doctor may need to prescribe antibiotics, incurring additional cost.

Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns impact the outer and inner layers of skin, and sometimes the underlying tissue, bone, and muscle mass. Multiple surgeries and skin grafts are often required to treat third-degree burns. Victims and their loved ones may face astronomical medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the loss of enjoyment of life. An attorney in The Colony who has experienced handling personal injury suits that involve burn injuries could help calculate the amount of compensation a victim may need to meet future challenges caused by the injury.

Possible Defendants in Burn Injury Lawsuits

in The Colony

Negligent Landlords

Landlords must follow common sense guidelines as well as local, state, and federal regulations that protect tenants safe from burns and fires. A landlord who locks fire doors, stores gas cans by a hot water heater, or sets the water heater at a scalding temperature, may be responsible for a tenant’s burn injuries via a lawsuit.


Every year, thousands of employees are burned at work while doing their jobs. Employers have a duty to provide safe working conditions, or to mitigate danger by following federal and state laws to prevent occupational safety hazards. Employers who are negligent may have to pay for employees’ burn injuries.


Manufacturers that put a product into the stream of commerce must make sure it is safe to use as intended. If a faulty product or design leads to a fire that injures a person in The Colony, they may have the right to pursue compensation.

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A Burn Injury Lawyer in The Colony Offers Peace of Mind

A severe burn injury can leave lasting physical and psychological scars. Although healing is your first order of business, you also need to know that compensation is available to pay for your care. If you or a loved one was burned in an auto accident, at work, or at home, a burn injury lawyer from The Colony may be able to help. Call today to schedule your consultation.

The Colony Case Types

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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