What Is Jackknifing?

Jackknife accidents occur when a semi-truck folds in on itself at a 90-degree angle. This type of collision is called a jackknife because it is not straight and acts like a folding knife while on the road. Jackknifing commonly occurs due to a faulty braking system, whether due to a lack of maintenance or a trucker’s inattention. For example, if a truck driver fails to keep a proper distance between the truck and the vehicle in front of them, they may be forced to brake harder than they should. Braking too hard or fast can lock up the truck axles. As a result, the 18-wheeler will continue to move, pressing into the cab and causing it to fold in on itself.

Common Causes of Jackknife Accidents

While wrecks involving semi-trucks can happen for various reasons, jackknife truck accidents tend to occur due to the massive weight and size of the vehicles. Some of the most frequent causes of jackknife crashes include:

  • An overweight or overloaded truck
  • Dangerous weather conditions
  • A truck carrying a light load
  • Loss of traction after a skid
  • Improper braking
  • Fatigued or distracted driving

No matter how an 18-wheeler collision occurs, the effects can be catastrophic and life-changing for those involved. A committed Denton attorney could help victims of jackknife truck accidents hold all at-fault parties financially accountable for their losses.

Types of Injuries Caused by Jackknifing Semi-Trucks

Some of the most frequent injuries that result from jackknifing tractor-trailer crashes include:

Most of the injuries resulting from these types of wrecks are severe and can impact a victim’s life forever. Consult with a seasoned jackknife truck accident lawyer in Denton to discuss the available legal options in a specific case.


Contact a Denton Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney Today

Jackknife truck accidents can impact every aspect of a victim’s life—physically, emotionally, and financially. The resulting physical injuries could prevent an individual from performing daily tasks or living an independent life. The resulting emotional trauma could lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The resulting financial hardship could cause a victim to struggle to provide for their family. Fortunately, when you or a loved one suffer injuries in a jackknife tractor-trailer crash caused by a negligent truck driver, you could seek compensation through a personal injury claim. A Denton jackknife truck accident lawyer could help you seek justice for the impact the collision has had on your life. Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled attorneys and start working towards the financial recovery you deserve.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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