A traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as a concussion can have a devastating impact on the victim, often with life-changing consequences. Second Impact Syndrome occurs when a TBI victim receives a second injury before the first one has fully healed. This second impact can cause the already damaged brain tissue to swell inside the skull (a condition known as cerebral edema) which can cause catastrophic brain damage and, in the worse cases, death.
Concussion injuries that lead to Second Impact Syndrome brain injury can occur as a result of car accident, work accidents, sporting injuries, and many other types of accidents.
If you or a loved one is suffering from a Second Impact Syndrome brain injury that was the result of another’s negligence, you have a right to seek compensation for those injuries. McCraw Law Group is dedicated to protecting the rights of athletes and other victims of Second Impact Syndrome in McKinney Texas – we will fight diligently on your behalf to secure a settlement amount that adequately compensates the victim for all their pain, suffering and financial losses.
Symptoms of a Concussion
It is important to seek treatment for a concussion as soon as possible. If you have received a blow to the head, and are experiencing symptoms of a concussion, you should see a doctor immediately. Some of the common symptoms of a concussion include:
Nausea or vomiting
Confusion and disorientation
Fatigue and difficulty sleeping
Sleeping too much
Black outs
Slurred Speech
Problems with focus and concentration
Forgetfulness and other memory problems
Changes to personality
One reason why concussion injuries go undiagnosed is that there may be no visible signs of injury.
SIS Symptoms
Often times a concussion results in only minor injuries; the majority of victims recover in hours. However, the symptoms of SIS are more severe and include:
Loss of consciousness
Severely dilated pupils
Respiratory failure
Brain herniation
Receiving a second blow to the head before you have recovered from a first concussion can cause considerable more damage. Some victims never recover from their injuries and may experience long term difficulties with speech, learning and movement. Risky neurosurgery may be required; the most severe cases may result in death.
Speak to an Experienced Second Impact Syndrome Attorney
For over 20 years, the personal injury attorneys at the McCraw Law group have been providing outstanding legal representation to residents of McKinney, Weston, Melissa, Frisco, Allen and other North Metroplex communities. During that time we’ve earned a well-deserved reputation for obtaining significant settlements for our clients in a wide range of personal injury cases including concussion injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) brain injuries.
Speak with an experienced TBI attorney at 972-854-7900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We are interested in reviewing the facts in your case and will provide professional advice on the best way to proceed with your claim. Our TBI and SIS cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means that if we take your case, we don’t collect a fee until after you’ve been awarded a settlement.
If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.
If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.
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