The weeks after a car accident can be full of questions. What will happen to my damaged vehicle? How serious are my injuries? Will I miss more work? There are often more questions than answers. Working with insurance agencies on car accident settlement claims is another stressful unknown.

During the weeks after a car accident, insurance companies will often be quick to offer a settlement. It can be tempting to take this initial offer and avoid negotiation. You need the cash, and insurance claim adjusters know it. What is the best way to handle this discussion? Here are some tips for taking on insurance in the weeks after an accident.

Don’t Take the Bait!

Insurance companies want to settle quickly when it is in their best interest to do so, and the first offer for car accident compensation will be low. Never take the bait of the first offer! While it means quicker financial recovery for you, it most always results in a lower settlement amount. The insurance industries own insiders recognize that the average recovery is over three times less when you do not have a lawyer, than when you do.

In the weeks after a crash, there are still many unknown variables. Some of these include:

  • Medical Bills. Will future surgeries or physical therapy be needed? The extent of an injury and cost of rehabilitation will take time to uncover. Taking a quick settlement might leave you without the needed coverage.
  • Lost Wages. If you can’t return to work due to injuries, current and future lost wages will need to be calculated before a settlement.
  • Long-Term Impairment and Pain. It is often a mistake to assume that the pain will get better and impairment will go away with time. You get one chance to get this right. So make sure that you know what you are going to have to deal with in the future when settling a care.
  • Liens and Subrogation Interest. These interest are often covered in the legalize of an insurance companies release. These interest can reduce or even eliminate the recovery you think you will be getting and you may not even know it is going to happen when you sign their release.

Taking all variables into account can make your head spin. It’s complicated, and insurance companies know it. They will calculate your settlement quickly and treat you like a number. Don’t jump at the first offer, and most importantly, get help from an experienced car accident lawyer at McCraw Law Group to make sure that you will be getting what you think you will be getting. Let McCraw Law Group be your trusted advisor during car accident settlements. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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