Severe, long-lasting injuries that cause damage to major body parts are generally considered catastrophic.
Texas Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Seeking Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries
While victims of non-catastrophic injuries are expected to recover fully and regain all their abilities, catastrophic injury victims suffer long-term consequences that impact their ability to work or live independently. When the negligence or wrongdoing of others causes catastrophic injuries, victims may be entitled to recover significant compensation for their losses.
What Types of Injuries Are Considered Catastrophic?
Not all severe injuries are catastrophic. An injury may be classified as catastrophic when it has a long-term and significant impact on the victim’s quality of life. The following are some examples of catastrophic injuries:
Spinal Cord Damage:
Injury to the spinal cord can result in paralysis. An accident that damages the spinal cord can leave the victim with paraplegia, affecting the trunk, pelvic organs, and legs, or with quadriplegia, affecting the arms, hands, trunk, legs, and pelvic organs. Spinal cord injury can be incomplete, in which some feeling and movement remain below the level of the injury, or complete, in which all sensation and ability to control movement below the injury are lost.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):
Severe TBI can leave a victim with a range of long-term effects that significantly impact quality of life. Brain damage can impair cognitive abilities, sensory and perceptual abilities, motor function, language and communications skills, physical health, emotional and mental health, and ability to perform activities of daily living.
Loss of a limb can dramatically impact every aspect of a person’s life. A limb may be severed in a car crash or another type of accident, or it may need to be surgically removed if tissues have been severely damaged by the trauma. In addition to the emotional and psychological effects of amputation, it may have medical complications, such as deep vein thrombosis and phantom limb pain.
Severe Burn Injuries:
Third-degree burns affect the epidermis (outer skin layer), dermis (deeper skin layer), and the underlying fat layer. They destroy sweat glands and hair follicles and damage nerve endings. Severe burn injuries can be life-threatening and often require multiple skin-grafting surgeries. Deep burns that affect large areas of the skin can have serious complications, including pneumonia, sepsis, shock, and organ failure. Damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and skin can affect the use of the arms, hands, or legs, and burn scars can cause serious functional limitations.
What Are Some Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries?
Many different types of accidents can cause catastrophic injuries. Some of the most common causes include the following:
Car Accidents:
When two or more vehicles collide, the force of impact can cause serious injuries to vehicle occupants.
Truck Accidents:
In a crash involving a passenger vehicle and a large commercial truck, occupants of the passenger vehicle are likely to suffer severe or catastrophic injuries.
Motorcycle Collisions:
Motorcyclists lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle. They are vulnerable to severe injuries in a crash, including traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury.
Pedestrian Accidents:
Pedestrians are wholly unprotected and may suffer catastrophic injuries when hit by a 4,000 lb. moving motor vehicle.
Bicycle Accidents:
Many bicycle accidents are caused by the actions of negligent drivers. In crashes involving motor vehicles, cyclists may sustain a wide range of injuries, including catastrophic injuries, such as traumatic brain injury and spinal cord damage.
Slip or trip and fall accidents caused by unsafe conditions on a property can cause traumatic brain injury and other catastrophic injuries.
Workplace Accidents:
Catastrophic injuries are not uncommon in the workplace, particularly in the construction industry. Among other injuries, workers may suffer traumatic amputation, spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injury, and internal injuries.
Why Is It Important to Hire an Experienced Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?
Catastrophic injuries can leave victims disabled and unable to earn a living. They may require hospitalization, multiple surgeries, medical equipment, nursing care, and extensive ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation. Your recovery and financial future need to have an experienced catastrophic injury attorney to protect your rights and fight for the maximum compensation. At McCraw Law Group, our founding attorney is board-certified in personal injury trial law. We have the knowledge, skills, and resources to pursue the compensation you deserve effectively. After a catastrophic injury, we will be with you every step of the way.