What Could Impact the Value of an Untimely Death Settlement?

The purpose of a wrongful death settlement is never to make up completely for the value of a decedent’s life, but rather to compensate surviving family members for specific economic and non-economic losses stemming from the loss of a loved one. Accordingly, the appropriate value of a settlement can vary a great deal from case to case based on both the details of the decedent’s life, the relationship between the deceased person with the various beneficiaries and the needs of their surviving family. In general, settling a wrongful death case in Frisco could involve seeking restitution for funeral and burial costs, certain medical expenses, loss of financial support, loss of companionship and support, loss of consortium, and emotional anguish. However, different types of damages may be prioritized more in some cases over others. For example, loss of future earnings would not be as big of a factor following the loss of an elderly retiree as it would following the sudden passing of a younger individual supporting a young family. Likewise, the decedent’s physical health and even their overall temperament could impact how much compensation their surviving family should seek through a settlement. Legal counsel could offer further clarification about what to expect in an individual situation.

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Potential Complications with Insurance Companies

In most situations, the biggest obstacle to receiving a fair settlement after losing a loved one is not the defendant’s attorney or even restrictions set by local law. Instead, the insurance company offering a settlement on a defendant’s behalf is likely to pose a far greater challenge, especially to claimants not represented by legal counsel. Whether a claim is for a minor car crash or a fatal accident, insurance adjustors and representatives are trained to complicate key information, ask leading questions, spin statements made by well-meaning claimants, and do anything else they can to minimize their employer’s liability—even if it comes at the expense of a heartbroken family who just lost a loved one. In addition to establishing what value a settlement should have, a compassionate attorney could also play an essential role in fighting back against underhanded insurance company tactics.


A Skilled Attorney Could Help Settle a Frisco Wrongful Death Claim

It is quite common for wrongful death cases to end with a private settlement rather than a verdict in civil court, and it is often a preferable option for many families who wish to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. However, it is important to be careful about accepting initial settlement offers, as they are often grossly insufficient when all potentially recoverable damages are taken into account. If you want to pursue an optimal outcome while settling a wrongful death case in Frisco, you should contact a qualified legal representative sooner rather than later. Get in touch with a compassionate wrongful death attorney today to start exploring your options.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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