
What Do Some Cellphones and Electronic Cigarettes Have in Common?

It sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, but there is a very dangerous answer. Recently, a professional basketball player living in Plano, Texas was injured when his LG cellphone exploded in his hand. In a related story, a vape pen exploded recently and killed a man in Fort Wo...

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Tips and Tricks for Cross-Examining a Defendant Driver

One of the most critical moments in a car accident personal injury trial is the cross-examination of the defendant driver. Often, a capable personal injury attorney can expose traffic violations and other evidence of negligence by questioning the at-fault motorist.I presented Cro...

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Update on the Unfair Insurance Tactic of Swoop and Settle in Texas

Earlier last month, I wrote about another reason not to talk to an insurance adjuster. In that blog, I wrote about testimony that I provided to the Texas House Insurance Committee on the practice of insurance companies swooping in and settling cases for pennies on the dollar thro...

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Another Reason Not to Talk to an Insurance Adjuster After a Wreck

Just wanted to put a quick post up to say what an honor it was to tell a client's story to the Texas House Insurance Committee on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Unfortunately, as if we need another reason not to talk to an insurance adjuster after a wreck, the 5th District Court...

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Serious Scooter Accidents on the Rise

Last week I spent some time in Austin, protecting Texas families from bad bills and advocating for good bills. It is a biennial tradition beginning in January every odd numbered year and lasting for the next 140 days. The work is necessary and interesting. Over the years I have n...

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Natural Gas Main Leaks a Canary in the Coal Mine

If you have been keeping up with this blog, you know how I feel about most “accidents.” Most are not truly accidents, in that, if someone was paying attention, many can be avoided. Natural gas explosions are rare, but they can be extremely deadly. Pipelines do not age...

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Tips for a Safer Bicycle Ride

Unfortunately, not all bike rides end safely for a cyclist. Accidents between a cyclist and a vehicle are all too common. For this reason, it is important that all cyclists abide by the rules of the road and learn ways to keep themselves safe while biking.A safe bike ride always...

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Bicycle Helmet Laws in Texas

Currently, there are no state laws requiring any bicyclist of any age in the state of Texas to wear a bicycle helmet. It is still recommended, though, that all bicyclists wear a helmet every time they are on a bike.Studies have proven that wearing a helmet while on a bike reduce...

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The Nationwide Impact of Washington State’s E-DUI Law

Many states have texting and driving laws but still allow drivers to hold their phone up to their ear to talk on it. However, with Washington State's new E-DUI law, those laws may soon see sweeping changes across the country. The nationwide impact of Washington State’...

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Common Workplace Injuries

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas sees an average of 250,000 workplace injuries and illnesses every year. This high number is not surprising, considering that the major industries in Texas are some of the most dangerous in the country.Construction, manufact...

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