
Oil Rig Explosions Highlight Indifference to Safety

Last Wednesday, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board issued a rare but scathing indictment of the oil and gas industry for the lack of regulation and supervision of the onshore oil and gas industry. The report analyzes an explosion that killed five oil field workers near Quinton, Oklah...

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Crane Collapse in Dallas Causes Death and Serious Injury

Several weeks ago, I wrote to warn you about cranes and the dangers that they pose. You can read the blog entry here. Yesterday, during some severe weather in Dallas, the inevitable happened. A crane crashed into condos at Deep Ellum Apartments. A 29-year-old woman was kill...

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Crane Accidents are Particularly Deadly in North Texas

According to a recent story in the Dallas Morning News, Texas leads the nation in deadly crane accidents. At least eight workers have been killed in seven different accidents in North Texas alone since 2012. In addition, at least one high-profile crane tipped over along Interstat...

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Should Commercial General Contractors Share Responsibility for Damages Resulting from Design and Engineering Defects in Texas?

Construction defects at a minimum can cause extensive damage to the structures all Texans rely on, including those most vulnerable in our society. These defects routinely cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to commercial buildings such as schools, churches, office bu...

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