Understanding the Degrees of Burns

Not all burns are equal. Instead, medical professionals separate burns according to their severity by degrees:

First-Degree Burns

First-degree burns are the least severe. They only involve the skin’s uppermost layer. Sunburns are the most familiar example of these burns. Symptoms include pain and reddened skin, which will turn white when someone applies pressure. Generally, a victim does not need medical care for first-degree burns. However, people may need medical treatment if the burn covers a substantial portion of the body.

Second-Degree Burns

Second-degree burns are moderately severe. They involve the top layer of skin and the second layer of the skin. Their symptoms include pain, swelling, and blistering. The skin may look dry and white. People should typically seek medical attention for second-degree burns, and may require treatments such as skin grafts to help fully heal.

Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns involve the top and second layers of skin to a deeper level than second-degree burns. They may also impact the innermost layer of the skin. These burns may not appear red, but instead appear blackened or charred. Victims may not experience continuing pain in the immediate aftermath because these burns often involve nerve damage. However, recovery is often long and very painful and may include ongoing medical care.

Some professionals stop classifications at the third degree; however, most include an additional one.

Fourth-Degree Burns

Fourth-degree burns go through both layers of the skin and into underlying tissue, which may consist of muscle, organs, nerves, and bones. The more severe the burn, the more critical it is to seek financial recovery from the responsible party with the help of a skilled burn injury lawyer in Sachse.

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Frequent Causes of Burns

Burns happen when an energy source damages your skin. Common causes of burns include: 

  • Heat 
  • Steam
  • Radiation
  • Sunlight
  • Electricity
  • Chemicals

Generally, burns are accidental injuries. Other times, burns are the result of negligence.

While these injuries may still be unexpected, they only happen because someone failed to take reasonable precautions to prevent them. Workplace accidents are the source of many of these severe burns. Oil field or refinery files, workplace explosions, and workplace chemical exposure can all lead to lifelong burn injuries. If negligence contributed to the injury, a capable Sachse burn injury attorney may be able to recover damages for you. 


Consult a Sachse Burn Injury Attorney at Our Firm

Burns are frightening and traumatic injuries. While some lead to acute pain at the time of the injury, burn injuries will often result in excruciating recovery periods. Victims may require skin grafts, skin removal, dermabrasion, and more. People may be unable to return to work for an extended period. Some individuals may never be able to return to work. As a result, burn injury victims and their families can experience a financially, emotionally, and physically burdensome recovery period. You do not have to face it alone. 

Schedule a free consultation with a Sachse burn injury lawyer at McCraw Law Group. After reviewing the facts of your case, we could advise you on the viable legal paths to recovery. Call today.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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