
Deadly Wreck at White Rock Lake Trail Sparks Community Outcry for Dallas Pedestrian Safety

A tragic car wreck at Dallas' White Rock Lake trail killed 19-year-old driver last Tuesday (April 14) after he veered over the curb at high speed and crashed into trees. Several pedestrians and cyclists who frequent the nearby Garland Road could easily have been involved in...

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The Disturbing Trend of Traffic Fatalities: How Can You Stay Safe?

Traffic deaths have hit an all-time high since 2005. According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report released on April 18, 2023, approximately 43,000 persons died in motor vehicle accidents on U. S. highways in 2021. This marks a 10% increase over the...

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Road Rage Is on the Rise in North Texas

The Dallas Morning News recently reported that road rage is on the rise in North Texas. While I share the assessment, I too have been unable to find reliable data to measure the extent of the problem. When asked specifically, the Dallas Police Department has confirmed at least 60...

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Update on the Unfair Insurance Tactic of Swoop and Settle in Texas

Earlier last month, I wrote about another reason not to talk to an insurance adjuster. In that blog, I wrote about testimony that I provided to the Texas House Insurance Committee on the practice of insurance companies swooping in and settling cases for pennies on the dollar thro...

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Bicycle Helmet Laws in Texas

Currently, there are no state laws requiring any bicyclist of any age in the state of Texas to wear a bicycle helmet. It is still recommended, though, that all bicyclists wear a helmet every time they are on a bike. Studies have proven that wearing a helmet while on a bike reduce...

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Bicyclist from McKinney Dies after Saturday Crash in Frisco

Today I saw this headline in the local McKinney paper and it compelled me to say something hopefully to help save a life. The bicyclist killed was hit from behind in the early morning hours on Saturday on Independence Parkway in Frisco. In Collin County we have many large multila...

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