
When Defective Products Hurt or Kill

History has taught us that over time, products that we all use are getting more and more complex. History has also shown that when technology advances, safety concerns are often secondary to making the item do “the next cool thing.” No where do we see technology...

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Auto Safety Systems Struggle to Work in the Dark

About 3/4th of all pedestrian deaths occur at night. One common automobile safety system does not work well in the dark to prevent that danger. The automatic braking system that engages when a vehicle detects an object close by has particular trouble seeing pedestrians afte...

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What Do Some Cellphones and Electronic Cigarettes Have in Common?

It sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, but there is a very dangerous answer. Recently, a professional basketball player living in Plano, Texas was injured when his LG cellphone exploded in his hand. In a related story, a vape pen exploded recently and killed a man in Fort Wo...

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How to Comply with a Product Recall

Gifts are a big part of the holiday season, and anyone giving them hopes the recipient will cherish them. However, if the product is under a recall, the person giving or receiving the gift needs to know what to do.Dealing with product recalls is easier if a person is prepared for...

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