Importance of Documenting Injuries After a Head-On Collision

Documenting injuries allows an injured person to keep an official record of their injuries as well as any treatment or therapy they may have to take moving forward. Insurance companies will also ask for documentation of injuries for assurance that a person is not lying or exaggerating their injuries. An official record could also be used as evidence for a personal injury claim. Documentation also lets other medical practitioners know your previous injuries or illnesses in order to gain a better grasp of your medical history. This is done in order to safely prescribe someone a medication or therapy.

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Seriousness of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are a common injury sustained after a head-on auto accident. Head injuries could be obvious at first, such as a concussion or a loss of consciousness. Other times, brain injuries could become apparent after time has passed. In some cases, when people seek medical attention following a head-on collision accident their head injuries may be ignored or overlooked by ER staff. This is also why it is important to seek a thorough examination to make sure that all your injuries are accounted for.

What is Diffused Tensor Imaging?

Diffused tensor imaging is a form of an MRI that shows damage in areas of the brain that are known to have certain different cognitive problems that are often confirmed with cognitive testing. When the objective imaging squares and the objective cognitive testing supports the other, a good case for brain injury can be made.

There is always a proof problem in these brain injury cases, and staying on top of them from the very beginning is critical so that an attorney can show a consistent diagnosis, consistent treatment, and consistent plan of dealing with this TBI or this traumatic brain injury from the beginning. This type of treatment may not be given immediately when rushed to the ER, but a person could request it when receiving further medical attention following a head-on collision accident.

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Benefits of Hiring a Head-On Collision Accident Lawyer

An attorney could help someone seek medical attention following a head-on collision accident. An attorney may have connections to certain medical practitioners to ensure that you are being seen by a doctor with experience in head-on collisions. A lawyer could also take over any pending legal issues such as an injury claim on your behalf while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

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Get The Help You Need Contact McCraw Law Group

If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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