Receiving Interrogatories From the Defendant
The client received interrogatories from opposing counsel. Usually, the defendants ask interrogatories for different reasons. They are trying to use the interrogatories to cut off or limit damages, or they are trying to set up the plaintiff for a motion for summary judgment on liability. They are trying to say that we should not have to go to trial because the plaintiff has no case at all. Therefore, the answers have to be carefully vetted when the questions come in. The process of answering the set of questions is immediately when interrogatories come in to send them to the client with a due date for answering them, which is usually within the next ten days because we have 30 days from the day they come in to answer them fully. Our staff gathers the answers and the basic objections that are potentially available and puts all the interrogatory answers together on either my desk or the desk of my associates to go over the answers and the objections.