Negligence in Cycling Collisions

There are two primary ways that an injured cyclist or their family can receive compensation after an accident, with the first being a personal injury suit. These lawsuits are brought under the legal theory of negligence. Under Texas law, a bike rider has all the duties and responsibilities afforded to someone driving a vehicle. All motorists have a duty to be aware of others on the road, bicyclists included, and operate their vehicles safely and according to the law.

If a driver is negligent in operating their car or truck, they can severely injure someone on a bike either by striking them, causing them to lose control, or forcing them off the road. In cases where a negligent driver causes a bike wreck, the injured cyclist has a cause of action to bring a civil case. Cyclists injured in The Colony should enlist the help of a well-practiced lawyer to learn more about where to file a lawsuit and what kind of evidence is needed to prove the case.


Recoverable Damages in a Bike Crash

There are three categories of damages that an injured cyclist can seek in a lawsuit against the at-fault driver or other parties. The first category is economic damages, which include lost wages, medical bills, future treatment, and damage to personal property, such as a bicycle. The second is non-economic damages, which allows the biker to seek compensation for physical pain and suffering, emotional and mental anguish, and physical scarring and disability.

The third category is for exemplary damages, which are only awarded in Texas if the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious or offensive. Texas juries do not award exemplary damages very often, and an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in The Colony could advise injured claimants if their case warrants these damages or not.

Reach Out to a Bicycle Accident Attorney in The Colony for Help

Bicyclists do not have the same physical protections that someone driving a vehicle has, even when wearing the proper safety gear. Due to this, cycling accidents can result in serious injuries, and in the worst case, even death. If you or a loved one were injured or killed while out riding a bike in The Colony, a bicycle accident lawyer could help you hold the responsible party accountable. A qualified attorney could inform you of your rights and help seek the compensation you deserve. Call today.

The Colony Case Types

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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