
Stay Safe on the Road This Summer with These Accident and Injury Prevention Tips!

Summer is halfway done, and we hope you're all getting the most out of it — riding your bike, taking a dip in the pool, or sunbathing in the park! At McCraw Law Group, we want you to be safe out on the road while you’re filling your days with fun and adventure. H...

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How Much Personal Injury Compensation Can I Expect?

Before beginning the process of an accident claim, our clients often want to know what they can expect in personal injury compensation. This often comes from the idea that the burden of a lawsuit may not be worth it if the case isn't likely to result in a big enough payout...

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What Happens if I Was Injured in a Car Accident and the Other Driver Didn’t Have Insurance?

You've been in a car accident and have suffered painful injuries. Every time you move, something hurts and you are reminded of what happened. It happened on your way to work and now every time you drive by the scene of the accident you get nervous and just want to get away...

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Steps To Take After A Car Accident

It will happen over 6 million times this year on the interstates and highways that crisscross the United States: car accidents. Some of those 6 million will be minor dents and dings. But others will be serious collisions resulting in catastrophic injuries to the vehicle occupants...

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Social Media: A Danger to Your Injury Claim?

Social media is part of our daily routine. We wake up, hit the alarm and immediately check Facebook. We scroll through our newsfeed looking for something to make us smile, photos of friends or new dinner ideas. We repeat this pattern throughout our day on multiple social media pla...

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What is Second Impact Syndrome Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as a concussion can have a devastating impact on the victim, often with life-changing consequences. Second Impact Syndrome occurs when a TBI victim receives a second injury before the first one has fully healed. This second impact can cause the...

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Tips For Safe Thanksgiving Travel

Thanksgiving lands in second place as the favorite holiday of many Americans. Only the Christmas season can top turkey day. When it comes to travel, Thanksgiving takes the cake - or maybe the pie. More Texans travel on the days around Thanksgiving than any other time of the...

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Truck Driver Hiring And Truck Accident Lawsuits In Texas

On average, 4,000 people are killed and 100,000 injured in trucking accidents every year in the U. S. Federal regulations regarding the hiring of truck drivers aim to keep truckers with poor records off the roadway in order to minimize the risk of accidents. What happens when truc...

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Halloween Safety Tips for Pedestrians and Drivers

Halloween is a favorite of children and adults. Kids get to dress up and trick-or-treat, while adults get decked out for costume parties. October 31st can be a night of funny ghouls and silly ghosts, but it is also a night that has turned tragic too many times. Children walking on...

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Trucking Regulations For Hiring Drivers in Texas

Truck drivers play an incredibly important role in our economy, hauling billions of pounds of freight across the country every year. Safely operating a large commercial truck requires training and experience. When 18 wheelers aren't operated properly, the resulting accident...

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