
Should I Wear a Helmet While Riding a Motorcycle in Texas?

According to state law, people do not have to wear helmets when riding a motorcycle in Texas. However, many motorists believe that, in the event of a wreck, motorcyclists are partially at fault for their own injuries if they do not wear a helmet. While a jury would be instructed...

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How Much Insurance Coverage Should a Texas Motorcyclist Have?

The question of how much insurance coverage is appropriate has left many McKinney residents confused over the years. Fortunately, there is help available if you are struggling to answer this question for yourself and your family. By talking to a seasoned accident attorney, you co...

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Update on the Unfair Insurance Tactic of Swoop and Settle in Texas

Earlier last month, I wrote about another reason not to talk to an insurance adjuster. In that blog, I wrote about testimony that I provided to the Texas House Insurance Committee on the practice of insurance companies swooping in and settling cases for pennies on the dollar thro...

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Sharrow Lanes: Benefits and Laws for Using Them

Bicyclists and drivers on Texas roads may have recently seen lanes newly marked with a bicycle and two chevrons. These lanes are known as sharrow lanes and have recently been approved by the Federal Highway Administration for use in Texas and across the entire country. Sharrow la...

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The Most Important Benefits of Wearing a Motorcycle Helmet 

Under Texas law, adults who ride motorcycles are not required to wear a helmet if they are over the age of 21 and have completed a DMV motorcycle safety course, or if they are covered by $10,000 worth of accidental medical benefits. And because many adult riders legally do not ha...

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Common Myths About Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles and facts about motorcycle accidents are a mystery to most of us. The majority of drivers spend their commute in car traffic, with a sprinkling of motorcycle interaction in the mix. Opinion and common myths about motorcycle accidents often stem from a combination of u...

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The Importance Of PIP And UIM Insurance

Today I want to talk to you about insurance that you need before you are in a car wreck. If you drive in North Texas, you cannot get away from construction on Hwy 75 in McKinney and Allen and side construction on major throughfares in McKinney, Allen, Frisco and throughout Collin...

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