
Who Can Be Held Liable In A Truck Accident?

The increasingly busy highways of Texas are full of more than just passenger cars. Big rig trucks carrying everything from hazardous materials to oversized loads share the same lanes with family cars, workweek commuters, and daily drivers. Collisions between passenger cars and 18...

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What Are My Damages Worth?

Three main factors will influence the financial settlement in your injury case. These factors will help a client answer: “What are my damages worth? ” Those factors are:Factor 1: Negligence or the Defendant's poor choices. How negligent were the actions that harm...

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What Accident Claim Damages Am I Entitled To?

If you are injured in an accident, you may wonder - what damages am I entitled to? There are three types of damages you may be entitled to: medical costs, loss of earnings, and mental anguish. There are other potential damages that can be recovered, but these are the &ldquo...

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When Should I File A Personal Injury Claim?

When should I file a personal injury claim? Right away. In the aftermath of your personal injury accident, don't delay the filing of your claim. Some people wait to see if the pain will go away, hoping to avoid the stress of fighting insurance for a settlement. However, McC...

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Insurance wants to settle, why do I need an attorney?

“” is a common question from our personal injury clients. The insurance company has contacted you and is prepared to offer a settlement. Your personal injury case will soon be over. The stress and agonizing over the details is coming to an end, and you can feel the st...

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What is Negligence?

The term “negligence” is used regularly when discussing personal injury cases. What is negligence, and more importantly - what are the keys to a negligence case? Negligence is a legal term that means not being careful and hurting someone else. Negligence is seen...

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How Long Will My Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?

Our clients often ask, “How long will my personal injury lawsuit take? ” Lawsuits can be unpredictable, and so goes the timeline for settling your case. Many of our clients have spent weeks, months or even years recovering from their injury and want a just and ti...

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Personal Injury Lawyer Fees: Yes, You Can Afford Legal Help

One of the primary reasons accident victims don't seek legal assistance is because they believe they won’t be able to afford personal injury lawyer fees. We’re here to tell you that you can afford legal help, and you should seek it out if you’ve been hurt...

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