In the aftermath of a car accident, a person may be faced with crucial legal decisions. Information must be exchanged with other involved parties, police may have questions if the accident was severe enough, and insurance companies representing all involved parties must also be contended with. Individuals are recommended to call a skilled attorney before dealing with insurance companies after a McKinney car accident. A practiced auto collision lawyer could advise individuals on how to protect themselves against the interests of the insurance company and their adjusters.
Should People Accept Early Settlement Offers?
In any car accident claim, insurance companies have an advantage that is built in whenever a crash occurs. If the company’s insurance is involved in a claim, they could get police reports early. There is no prohibition that prevents companies from calling the injured person to seek statements. The company may attempt to do a swoop and settle, where they come in and take the statement. They could attempt to settle the case for pennies on the hundred dollars before the plaintiff truly understands how badly they were hurt.
There are scenarios in which insurance companies offer money to repair vehicles. There may be no harm in accepting this release if it is made clear the payment covers property damage only. Insurance companies may attempt to sneak in a general release of all injury claims with a property-damage-only release. An attorney could routinely review the releases to ensure that injury claims are not being released with the property damage. Swoop-and-settles are also common when companies offer checks in a hurry.