The process of filing a McKinney car accident claim is fairly straightforward. An injured party and their legal counsel typically need to determine what entity the claim is going to be directed toward and need to obtain a claim number. The claim number helps them track the individual file as the process advances. Additionally, whoever is evaluating that claim needs to figure out the severity of the claim, extent of the injuries, strength of the evidence, and identify the defendant. A claim also typically requires relevant contact information, as well as compelling evidence.
This is fulfilled through a settlement package, which explains why the person or entity is responsible for this incident and lists the evidence attributed to the alleged incident. Furthermore, the settlement package generally will detail the injured person’s medical issues that have been caused, what loss of earning capacity has occurred, and any other elements of damage. The package also includes a response deadline for the opposing party. In some settlement packages, a specific dollar amount may be requested, while in others the exact amount may be negotiated.