Calculation of Car Crash Damages
If someone has a relatively minor injury that is believed to result in $10,000 of damages to them. Hypothetically, the jury puts 40 percent responsibility on the plaintiff and 60 percent on the defendant. In that scenario, the injured party’s total damages of $10,000 are reduced by the part they are at fault for which is 40 percent. That reduces the amount ofdamages by $4,000, so $6,000 is all that they can recover from the at-fault person.
Sometimes, damages for negligence in car accident cases may not be economically feasible. It may cost more money and time to put the case together than a person can recover. Assignment of damages is always case-by-case-specific. The greater the degree of impairment, the greater the degree of damages, the more likely it is that the case can be economically feasible; regardless of whether the plaintiff can recover 100 percent of the damages for what happened to them.