Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in McKinney

When a person suffers a spine injury, it tends to be a defining moment in their life and in the lives of their loved ones. Spinal cord injuries, particularly when they result in paralysis, alter what someone can do going forward. These injuries can inhibit people’s abilities to take care of themselves and others, and obtain certain professions. It is imperative for a claimant to seek spinal cord injury treatment in McKinney so that they can create their best lives for themselves and their loved ones. By working with a well-practiced attorney, you can seek financial compensation for any current or ongoing treatment you receive related to your injury.

What Are Some Long-Term Treatment Options?

Long-term treatment options can involve care for infections and pressure sores. One of the leading causes of death among people with paralysis are bed sores. When someone becomes paralyzed and loses feeling in part of their body, they are at an increased risk of danger from other traumas because, without physical sensation, a paralyzed person might not even know that harm is occurring. If someone’s body is not moved regularly, the ongoing pressure will not allow adequate blood flow to the skin. As a result, they may experience swelling and sores, which can easily become infected. This can lead to sepsis or other long-term care issues that can cause further harm or even death. Caregivers must be constantly vigilant in making sure that a paralyzed person is moved every two to four hours so that pressure sores do not develop. When pressure sores do occur, they should be treated effectively and quickly.

Occupational Therapy

One of the biggest issues for paralyzed people is that they cannot remove themselves from danger because of artificial structures around them or the absence of wheelchair ramps. It is important to make their surroundings safe for themselves. Lawyers can go through an injured person’s home or office to see if there are things that can be done to help them be more independent and mobile, such as expanding their bathroom, widening doors, or installing rails so that they can lift themselves into and out of the bathtub. These are all issues that should be considered when putting together lifecare plans so that people with paralysis are as safe and independent as possible. Additional therapy, sometimes called occupational therapy, is often prescribed to help people regain some sense of function and independence. Occupational rehabilitation specialists and therapists can help increase injured people’s functionality and give them more independent living skills, allowing them to create their own workarounds. A critical part of caring for someone who is paralyzed is ensuring that they have trained professionals available to help them care for themselves inside and outside of their homes.

Designing Lifecare Plans

Loved ones might not be the best caregivers as they often do not have the skills necessary to provide quality care.  Additionally, they may have other obligations to attend to or other family members to provide for. If a family member is a qualified caregiver, they may still have to give something up to take care of their family. In such situations, a lawyer will typically put money aside to ensure that the caregiver is being paid and will have the resources to care for their injured loved one. If a family member is willing, trainable, but lacks caregiving skills, a lawyer may include in the life care plan that they will be trained for this function with the injured person’s funds. Lawyers have to anticipate normal life changes and aging challenges, which can be much more difficult for a paralyzed person to navigate. An attorney can help them reserve money for those life events so that the injured person can live the best life possible.

Expenses ofSpine Injury Treatment

Occupational therapy is an expense that one could expect for these treatment options. An occupational therapist could be needed for the rest of the injured person’s life. It could be more intensive at first and become less rigorous as time goes on. A person who is paralyzed will need to go to be evaluated by a doctor more frequently to make sure that there are no emerging issues, as the individual might be less able to care for themselves. Paralyzed people should also plan for their nutritional needs, which are critical for keeping things like skin breakdown from occurring. They should also account for potential advances in medicine. Currently, the medical field cannot heal paralysis, but stem cells may be able to regenerate some of those nerves and restore feeling. In the near future, medical professionals might be able to help paralyzed people function more readily again.

It is up to a lawyer to make sure that a jury or factfinder understands that even if that comes to pass, it will likely be a very expensive, incomplete remedy. It is important for juries to understand that in order to provide appropriate compensation. Other therapies that one might expect as treatment options are dependent on the level of paralysis. Respiratory therapy may be important in cases of quadriplegia, to ensure that the individual is breathing correctly and that the breathing apparatus is cleaned as often as it needs to be. These are some of the expenses that compassionate lawyers in McKinney can help people suffering from spinal cord injuries prepare for with these types of treatment options.

How Can Spinal Cord Treatment Effect a Claimant’s Family?

When spinal cord injuries result in paralysis, it can have an serious emotional and financial impact on families because roles often change when someone becomes paralyzed. A person who was a caregiver before may now need continual care.

Emotional Impact

It should never be assumed that a family member will care for a paralyzed person for the rest of their life. However, insurance companies and defense lawyers often try to put pressure on the family in such situations. They may assert that because a paralyzed individual has a family, they have people to take care of them for the rest of their lives. The stress of taking care of a disabled family member can cause mental health issues and loss of consortium. These are damages Texas law allows spouses and children to seek in a civil claim.

Financial Impact

Spinal cord injury treatment can quickly become expensive. Simultaneously, one may experience decreased revenue from taking time off work to be treated, or may have lost their ability to continue working altogether. Additionally, family members may be unable to work as much as they take care of their injured loved one. In any event, accident injuries put financial stress on families.

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Discuss Spine Damage Treatment Options with a McKinney Attorney

When seeking spinal cord injury treatment in McKinney, it is important to discuss your options with a compassionate attorney. A lawyer experienced with these types of injury claims could seek compensation to meet you and your family’s needs. Schedule a case consultation today to learn more.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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