
Fatal Austin Hot Air Balloon Crash Leaves No Survivors

On July 30th, 2016, 16 people died in a fatal Austin hot air balloon crash. We often hear of vehicle accidents, and even occasionally airline accidents. Catastrophic accidents such as this one are never expected but are a very real possibility that leaves family, friends and...

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How 18 Wheeler Injury Cases Keep the Industry Safe

Last month, we created a video to educate both attorneys and the public on the importance of the 18 wheeler injury cases we represent. It goes beyond the injuries and losses sustained in these events, placing a spotlight on the importance of upholding trucking industry safety sta...

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What Should I Expect After a Highway 121 Auto Accident?

With a combined accident total of nearly 46,000 for 2015 between Fort Worth, Dallas, and Bonham, it's no wonder drivers are wary of the Texas state highway that runs between these cities. Due to traffic volume and its location, a highway 121 auto accident seems to be a regu...

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When Insurance Companies Call After a Highway 380 Truck Accident

U. S. Route 380 runs east-west between Greenville, Texas and San Antonio, New Mexico. With just over 670 miles in length and intersecting other major interstates, it is a major highway for truck drivers and the transport of goods. However, it also has a high traffic volume, making...

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Do I Need a Dallas North Tollway Injury Attorney After an Accident?

It's normal to be shocked after a car accident, whether or not you are injured. Dealing with officers and potentially paramedics is a stressful experience. During these times it might not occur to you that a Dallas North Tollway injury attorney should be consulted. Even if...

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Our “Canaries in the Coal Mine” for Texas Arbitration Provisions

It used to be that miners protected themselves against poisonous gasses by keeping canaries in the coal mine. The birds would die first to the gasses before people were harmed, warning them to vacate the mine. Now, the phrase is meant as a warning to actions or results. Today, we...

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What to Do if You Are in a Car Accident on the Sam Rayburn Tollway

The Sam Rayburn Tollway supports a high volume of traffic from Grapevine to McKinney and begins as State Highway 121. Used by many motorists going to and from work, accidents are common on this tollway. In the event of an accident on the tollway, do you know how to proceed? ...

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Common Causes of Truck Accidents on Highway 75

Truck accidents are some of the more severe and traumatic accidents that can occur due to the large size and heavy weight of commercial trucks. Texas State Highway 75 has a high volume of trucks due to its direct route from Dallas to the Oklahoma state line. It only takes one mis...

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Do I Need a Police Report After an Auto Accident?

Auto accidents, both minor and major, are stressful and shocking events. Oftentimes, the police, paramedics, and fire department (if needed) are called by someone not involved in the accident as the involved parties are still processing what happened. It isn't until after t...

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Investigating A Truck Accident Claim in Texas

Investigating a truck accident claim in Texas starts with an experienced team of accident attorneys that understand all the variables of a crash involving a passenger car and 18-wheeler. McCraw Law Group has both the resources and experience to fully investigate all three aspects...

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