Parker Laws Addressing Distracted Driving
Even in states with no statutes directly related to distracted driving, a driver who is inattentive while behind the wheel can be grounds for a civil claim for personal injury or wrongful death. Under Texas Transportation Code §545.425 and 4251, a motorist may not use a wireless communication device to read, write, or send a message while driving. However, if the motorist was using a device to make an emergency call, that could be a strong defense against distracted driving.
Using such devices for any reason in a school zone or while operating a bus carrying child passengers is also prohibited. Using cellular devices is permissible if the vehicle has stopped or the driver uses a hands-free mechanism to operate the device, which provides an affirmative defense. Those harmed by inattentive drivers in Parker should seek assistance from a local attorney to gather evidence that the motorist was distracted at the time of the collision.