
More than 600 Pedestrians Died in Texas Last Year

Yes, you read that right. Over 600 pedestrians died in Texas last year. What is more, the long-term trend in Texas and throughout the United States is ominous for pedestrian deaths and injuries. For instance, 485 pedestrians were killed in 2013, with that number rising to 616 in...

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Deaths from Cars Running Red Lights are at a 10-Year High

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the number of people killed in automobile and truck wrecks from drivers running red lights reached a 10 year high in 2017. Continual increasing traffic, inadequate infrastructure maintenance, and driver distraction have played s...

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Tips and Tricks for Cross-Examining a Defendant Driver

One of the most critical moments in a car accident personal injury trial is the cross-examination of the defendant driver. Often, a capable personal injury attorney can expose traffic violations and other evidence of negligence by questioning the at-fault motorist.I presented Cro...

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Update on the Unfair Insurance Tactic of Swoop and Settle in Texas

Earlier last month, I wrote about another reason not to talk to an insurance adjuster. In that blog, I wrote about testimony that I provided to the Texas House Insurance Committee on the practice of insurance companies swooping in and settling cases for pennies on the dollar thro...

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Pedestrian Deaths at a 28-year High

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, pedestrian deaths in the United States are at a 28-year high, rising 4 percent to a total of 6,227 fatalities in 2018. Analysis by the GHSA attributed a portion of the increase specifically to SUVs, as pedestrian deaths invol...

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Serious Scooter Accidents on the Rise

Last week I spent some time in Austin, protecting Texas families from bad bills and advocating for good bills. It is a biennial tradition beginning in January every odd numbered year and lasting for the next 140 days. The work is necessary and interesting. Over the years I have n...

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Halloween Safety Tips for Pedestrians and Drivers

Halloween is a favorite of children and adults. Kids get to dress up and trick-or-treat, while adults get decked out for costume parties.October 31st can be a night of funny ghouls and silly ghosts, but it is also a night that has turned tragic too many times. Children walking on...

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The Dangers of Car Accidents in School Zones

          School zones in Texas are a protected stretch of roadway around a campus where speed limits are reduced during school hours and cell phone use is prohibited. Both regulations are designed to improve driver focus ar...

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